ATIV S 更新怎么还没到?
的有关信息介绍如下:失望之前麻烦自己搞清楚这次更新的版本是什么再失望Samsung is preparing to support Windows Phone consumers with an update for the ATIV S flagship device, according to a report over on WindowsPhoneItaly. This firmware update will take each non-branded ATIV S from 2424.12.12.3 (which is Portico) to 2424.13.13.1. Major improvements? The report states that all owners will finally be able to take advantage of Wi-Fi tethering (or "Internet sharing"). We've already got the feature enabled on our Samsung ATIV S, which is also unlocked but it's known that some consumers have been unable to enjoy said functionality. Here are the version numbers for multiple fields on the about screen: OS Version: 8.0.10211.204 Firmware version: 2424.13.3.1 [previously 2424.12.12.3] Hardware version: Radio software version: 2424.13.1.1 [previously 2424.12.12.2] Radio hardware version: Bootloader Version: 13.02. 15.5 [previously] Processor SOC Version: 1.5.32自己掏出ATIV S,对比下版本号看看,明显不是升级你的机器。