的有关信息介绍如下:bangkok的意思是曼谷。Bangkok的美式发音是/_b___kɑ_k/。Bangkok是名词,只有曼谷枣念宴这一个意思。例句1:Greg Lange, the owner of Sunrise Tacos, a Bangkok chain of Mexican food restaurants, says his biggest problem is getting avocadoes。曼谷墨西高银哥菜连锁饭店Sunrise Tacos的老板格凳银雷格格兰说,他最大的难题是弄到鳄梨。例句2:American Airlines have two flights a day to Bangkok, and there are onward flights to Phnom Penh。美国航空公司每天都有两个航班飞到曼谷,接着还有飞金边的航班。例句3:They have discussed setting up a military hotline between Hanoi and Bangkok。他们已讨论在河内和曼谷之间建立一条军事热线。例句4:The captain decided to take the ship to Bangkok to replenish supplies。船长决定把船驶向曼谷来补充货物。