的有关信息介绍如下:Theme: Rural and Urban Interaction 场馆主题:城市和乡村的互动 Highlights: Curtain of Woven Aluminium Elements 造型亮点:未来世界的轮廓 National Pavilion Day: August 12 国家馆日:8月哗首亩12日 芹旦 Pavilion Area: around 4,000 square meters 展馆面积:4000平方米左右 Location: Within Zone C of the Expo site 展馆位置:C片区 Pavilion Features A combination of technological insight and beautiful dream - Switzerland Pavilion best shows the characteristics of modern Switzerland, including the pursuit of excellence, innovation and high-quality life, as well as concepts of future facing, forward looking and sustainable development. 瑞士馆体现了科技理念和美好梦想的结合,完美地展现了现代瑞士的特点-追求卓越、创新和高质量生活,同时也体现了瑞士对未来的展望,对可持续发展观的拥护。 The most distinguished feature of the Switzerland Pavilion is the chair lift ride. The jouney takes about 10 minutes. The chair lift will take people up and out to the roof garden from the inside pavilion. The chairs are sheltered to ensure operation under the raining weather. 瑞士馆最具特色的要数观光缆车了。乘乱森缆车游览一次大约用10分钟。缆车会把游客从馆内带到馆外的馆顶花园中。缆车都设有遮雨棚,以确保在雨天照常运行。 Highlight 1: Interactive And Intelligent Facade The interactive, intelligent facade enveloping the pavilion is a curtain of woven aluminium elements under which visitors pass to access the urban area on the ground floor of the building. LED lights comprised of an energy source, a storage unit and a consuming unit are incorporated into the facade. The energy produced is made visible in the form of flashes that are triggered by the pavilion surroundings, such as the sun or flashes made by visitor cameras. Thanks to the storage of energy in each individual cell, the facade is also active at night, when the cells will trigger each other. 亮点一:互动型智能帷幕 瑞士馆的外围是用铝丝织成的互动型智能帷幕,游客可以通过帷幕进入馆内一层的城市区。帷幕内置有LED灯(由发电设备、蓄电池和用灯泡组成)。展馆可以利用周围的光(包括阳光和相机闪光灯产生的光等)发电,进而点亮帷幕上的灯。由于每盏LED等都有蓄电池,并且LED灯之间又可互为光源,帷幕在晚上也能闪闪发光。 Highlight 2: Use Of Chinese Philosophy The design concept is visible in a mix of many contradictory elements. The Chinese Philosophy of "Yin" and "Yang" is well reflected in the entire building, to achieve an ingenious combination of high-tech and nature. 亮点二:中国“阴阳”原理的应用 众多相对立的元素融合在一起,彰显了瑞士馆的设计理念。中国的“阴阳”理论在正个展馆中得到了充分的展现,实现了高科技与自然的巧妙结合。 Highlight 3: IMAX Film "The Alps" At the top end of the ramp of the exhibition area, visitors can see a 10-meter-high projection screen in the atrium. The IMAX film "The Alps," showcasing magnificent Swiss mountain scenery, will be projected. 亮点三:IMAX电影《阿尔卑斯山》 在展区坡道的顶端,游客可以看到中庭10米高的投影屏幕。IMAX电影《阿尔卑斯山》将会向游客呈现宏伟的瑞士山脉景观。