Amazing things素材(要闻所未闻的)
的有关信息介绍如下:Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a "Friday the 13th." 几个月内开始在周日将永远有一个“周五的第13位。 ”
Coca-Cola would be green if colouring weren't added to it. 可口可乐将是绿色 , 如果颜色没有加入其中。
On average a hedgehog's 平均刺猬的 heart beats 300...
Assuming that all the offspring survived,190,000,000,000,000,000,000 flies could be produced in four months by the offspring of a single pair of flies. 假定其所有后代都能成活,一对苍蝇在4个月内可繁殖出1,900 亿亿只苍蝇来
Pigs are more intelligent than ...